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Why Join Silicon Valley Cyber Leos Club?
- It is a new Cyber Leos Club Platform with LCI acknowledgment.
- Allow students 12-18 years old to become Leos locally and globally, paid for by the S.V. Cyber Lions Club.
- There will be no dues and existing Leos members can join as Associate Leo Members.
- It includes junior high students to be Leos members beside HS students.
- As a Charter Leo Member, this will bring social responsibility and credibility for your future resume/bio.
- This Club can be both school base/community base depending on the membership distribution and their preference.
- As a new Club, it is open to suggestions, experiment, and will grow into what is best to recruit members and to serve.
- Its management structure will have directors for various programs, groups and territories.
- Cyber, social media and other online communications are more attractive/effective to reach out and connect to
Leos/Lions both locally and globally. - S.V. Cyber Lions Club has members worldwide and together with Leos, we will serve others in need locally & globally.
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