Boxes of bikes arrive in San Jose, CA

Hurray, our first shipment of 15 bikes have arrived in San Jose!

The Silicon Valley Cyber Lions Club has just received 15 of the proposed 100+ bikes to be donated to Veterans in need within District 4-C4 and beyond. The pilot 15 bikes were delivered to Lion Lun Wong of Grand Cafe in San Jose, and are making their way to San Francisco through the efforts of the Club, Lion donor Chen Ying, as well as PDG Macy & Lion Michael and their Legacy Through Giving Foundation (LTG).

The San Francisco Veterans Lions Club, which annually helps organize the “Bikes4Vets” program in November alongside the Rotary Clubs of San Francisco, has already been contacted about where these bikes could be put to best use.

So far, plans are to get them to the Oakland VA Outpatient Clinic where the need is immediate. More updates will be posted here soon.

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